
mercredi 24 juillet 2013

2013 Booklet catalog of "Panoroïds" from Jean Manuel de Noronha. Self Edition.

In this post I will present the present catalog of booklets of 15 or 20 panoramic available. The prices are generally of respectively 25 € (33US$ or 19 £) or 30 € (39US$ or 23 £) for the small size (half A4, 14,95x21cm).

Volume 1
Une Galerie Oblique. Petit traité de géométrie photographique.
(An Oblique Gallery. Little treaty of photographical geometry.)
 This book illustrates the possibilities of this new technic of shooting panoramic photos with a subject which is without any originality : a grey facade of a gallery located in a private yard.
46 Panoroïdes,
Réf. Vol146A5Spi, Special price : 50 € ( 65 US$, 38£)

Volume 2 & 3
Les Lumières de Saint Paul. 
(The Lights of Saint-Paul’s Village.) 
The panoramics of these booklets show the Village Saint-Paul, a location in the Marais where the author works, at night with its fantastic lights. These panoramic photos are the first taken with artificial light.
20  & 15 Panoramax.
Réf. Vol220A3Fol, Réf. Vol220A4Fol, Réf. Vol220A5Spi
Réf. Vol315A3Fol, Réf. Vol315A4Fol, Réf. Vol315A5Spi

Volume 4 & 5
Les Eiffelnoïdes. 
(The Eiffelnoïds.)           
A selection from the 46 spectacular panoroïds showing the Eiffel Tower in non standard position and shape.
20 & 15 Panoroïdes.
Réf. Vol420A3Fol, Réf. Vol420A4Fol, Réf. Vol420A5Spi
Réf. Vol515A3Fol, Réf. Vol515A4Fol, Réf. Vol515A5Spi

Volume 6
Le Marais : Une Promenade bien enneigée. 
(The Marais : A snowy walk.)
During the winter of the year 2013, Paris was covered by snow. The panoramic photos show these magical views so rare to be immortalized.
12 Panoramax.                                    
Réf. Vol612DemiA3Spi

Volume 7
L’Autre Ile Saint Louis.
(The Other Island of Saint-Louis).
This parisian isle has the power to stimulate the author’s imagination.
15 Panoroïdes.
Réf. Vol715A3Fol, Réf. Vol715A4Fol, Réf. Vol715A5Spi

Volume 8
Notre Dame: Un Autre Regard. 
(Notre Dame : Another Glance.)           
The first major monument photographed by the author in 2012, a selection of views.           
15 Panoroïdes.
Réf. Vol815A3Fol, Réf. Vol815A4Fol, Réf. Vol815A5Spi

Volume 9
Square Marie Trintignan : La Folie des Saisons. 
(Marie Trintignan’s Park : The season’s Madness.) 
A little garden completely forgotten which become amazing at different periods of the year.
15 Panoroïdes.
Réf. Vol915A3Fol, Réf. Vol915A4Fol, Réf. Vol915A5Spi

Volume 10
Mes Arbres : Des Seigneurs du Quotidien. (My trees : The Lords of Everyday.)
What can we obtain when trees are the subject of these panoroïds.
15 Panoroïdes.
Réf. Vol1015A3Fol, Réf. Vol1015A4Fol, Réf. Vol1015A5Spi

Volume 11
Village Saint Paul : Le Dossier Refusé. 
(The Village Saint Paul : The Rejected File.)           
The first special panoramic photos of the author showing what has become his photo laboratory. The original file presented to participate to the Off du Mois de La Photographie in November 2012.
20 Panoroïdes.
Réf. Vol1120A3Fol, Réf. Vol1120A4Fol, Réf. Vol1120A5Spi

Volume 12
Place des Vosges : Un Jour Blanc Comme Neige. 
( Place des Vosges : A Day White like Snow.)  
A unique collection of panoramic photos of this famous Place covered by snow.
15 Panoroïdes.
Réf. Vol1215A3Fol, Réf. Vol1215A4Fol, Réf. Vol1215A5Spi

Volume 13
Mes Jouets Photographiques.            
( My photographic toys.)
Trucks and carterpillars are one of the author’s favorite subject. Here they are transformed and become dynamic.
15 Panoroïdes.
Réf. Vol1315A3Fol, Réf. Vol1315A4Fol, Réf. Vol1315A5Spi

Volume 14
Mes Papiers Marbrés.            
( My Marbled Papers.)
In volume 10 trees where presented with certain effects but remained recognisable. Here the purpose is to look at the foliages with the technic of the author and produce complete new images where color and movement become more important than the subject. The Panoroïds look like semi-abstract painting, like the drippings of Pollock or recalled the design of the back papers of the covers of antic books.           
15 Panoroïdes.
Réf. Vol1415A3Fol, Réf. Vol1415A4Fol, Réf. Vol1415A5Spi

Volume 15
Vitrines de Fêtes : Des Espaces de Lumière. 
(Special shop windows : My Street Lightrooms.)
The most abstract photos realized in 2012. A complete new approach in photography. The challenge was to use the decoration of the famous shop windows from the big parisian stores to express the lights and colors of the festive period of Christmas, without showing products, brands and prices.
20 Espaçoïdes.
Réf. Vol1520A3Fol, Réf. Vol1520A4Fol, Réf. Vol1520A5Spi

Volume 16
Hector Guimard : L’Artisan du Renouveau. 
(Hector Guimard : The Craftsman of the Renewel.)
Views from the different underground Stations designed by this emblematic architect.
20 Panoroïdes & Panoramax.
Réf. Vol1615A3Fol, Réf. Vol1615A4Fol, Réf. Vol1615A5Spi

Volume 17
A complete new approach of the shadow by the author plenty of creativity and poetry.           
15 Panoroïdes.

Réf. Vol1715A3Fol, Réf. Vol1715A4Fol, Réf. Vol1715A5Spi

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