
vendredi 3 juillet 2015

My Charlie Hebdo's Days. Mes Journées Charlie. (Charlie Hebdo -2/2)

As an artist I could not remain aside. Many people in France even if they where not artist felt the need to react, contribute to our society by acting. Personal initiatives were numerous. My reaction began on saturday the 10th of january, when I began with some photos at Place de la République. I discovered the numerous commemorative sites gathering candles, flowers and all sorts of writing and design tools. On Sunday before working I was there too. It is on the 11th that I decided to apply my technique in the middle of the crowd, normally journalist shoot their photos using a high speed and a wide angle lens. Here the challenge was to try fix  this historical moment with panoramic photos. Here distortion is not the subject. How could I be creative and simultaneously report that day? that was the question. I was not in the march due to my work.

After that week end I discovered other commemorative sites of different importance between La République and Bastille. The most impressive one was in the street of Charlie Hebdo. So during 3 months I followed and photographed these sites. Some where vandalysed and I registered that too.

Today Charlie Hebdo is reprinted and publication is saved for 2 years. History is sometimes produced by stupid and dramatic acts. If nothing had happened on the 7th the newspaper was going bankrupt and today it would be unpublished and an object for collectors.

Regarding photography what is the result with the photos obtained :

- first it is possible to produce panoramics in such a context and have real expressive photos
- secondly it is possible to have in the same photo a detail and the context. This is what I call "INCREASED REALITY". Instead of having two photos and a text to connect them, you present every thing in one picture. The viewer is completely "informed" by the image.
-thirdly creativity can be found in the framing and the subject. The purpose of my photos was not to compete with journalists but have a personal approach of the subject.
-Retouching is necessary to save images that are expressive. In the present context of informative photos retouching just corresponds to what is made in the press today. It does not affect the meaning of the image. It reinforces the impact of the image. I managed to make certain in one shot, but it is a real challenge.
- The panoramic angle is really near the normal human view, as a result you are in the event.
-In France due to the regulation these photos are delicate, but in this historical moment I accepted to cross the line and present the people. Every one, including myself, could not avoid to be photographed that day, all wanted to have moments of that event, with cameras or Iphone shooting was every where. You can spot it in the photos.

Finally I have produced over 100 photos, pictured about 9 commemorative sites during 3 months. Now I am looking for an editor. The titel of the publication is : Mes Journées Charlie. My Charlie Days.


Charlie Hebdo Dramatic Events of January 2015 (Charlie Hebdo 1/2)

The January events of Charlie Hebdo were dramatic. For the French they are our 11th September. Like many persons, artist or not, I could not stand without reacting. Like many French people I was not a reader of the magazine, but the chock was grate. So this was my personal contribution and reply to the events. There are many other through out France. The work produced just show how I was affected. These days where History and the first time that I saw the French people united about some value that are considered as the foundation of French identity and republic. They had forgotten their indifference and went out to claim their credo and express where the limit were: freedom of  the press, separation of the religious and public domain, brotherhood between different religious communities.

As an artist I could not remain aside. Many people in France even if they where not artist felt the need to react, contribute to our society by acting. Personal initiatives are numerous. My reaction began on saturday the 10th of january, when I began with some photos at Place de la République. I discovered the numerous commemorative sites gathering candels, flowers and all sorts of writing and design tools. On Sunday before working I was there too. It is on the 11th that I decided to apply my technique in the middle of the crowd, normally journalist shoot their photos using a high speed and a wide angle lens. Here the challenge was to try fix  this historical moment with panoramic photos. Here distorsion is not the subject. How could I be creative and simultaneously report that day? that was the question. I was not in the march due to my work.

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