It was important for me to symbolically show my commitment with the spirit that came out from the « Je suis charlie » events. The artistic association I belong planned an exhibition to commemorate this spirit. Called « Je suis artist » (I am an Artist) it took place beginning January from the 8th to 17th. I also contributed to the organization of the show. Initially I thought I would present previous works realized in 2015, but the last events of the 13th November urged me to be more creative and present something completely new I had not done before.
So I decided to present 4 works. 3 panoramic bands based on street-art paintings from locations directly involved in the dramatic events of November 2015 : a wall just beside the restaurant Cambodge based rue Aligre and fences installed around a bar located in the middle of place de la République.
As the walls and fences were quite long I could not use my « Traveling photo » technique. So I took several classical photos which were merged with Photoshop. Then in order to express my contribution I integrated my Panoroïds photos.
The generic title for these new panoramic photos was « Jean chante Paris» (John sings Paris- but there is a joke with the French verb "J'ENCHANTE" which means "I lay a spell on Paris") and each work was named after a song or poem celebrating Paris.
For me my photos are like writings and I consider that one of the missions of the artist is to « Sing his world around ». Along with the works we had to provide with few words as a commentary. Mine was :
Etre artiste à Paris en 2015 s’est avéré difficile.
représentons la liberté de création. Entre émotion
et information, notre contribution reste
indispensable. Ma réponse
est une série de photos panoramiques intitulées
« Jean chante Paris ».
Chaque photo est un chant du griot photographe que
je suis.
1) Paris sera toujours Paris. Paris will always be
Paris. (Music : Offenbach, French
Cancan, variété, Bataclan..) Maurice
Chevalier, 20x90 cm
2) Paris j’ai deux Amours (Paris I have two loves. (Paris historique et
la photo) Baker, 20x90 cm
3) Feux (Lumière, flammes, bougies, fleurs, amour,
mort, hommages) Aragon, 20x90 cm
Paris sera toujours Paris panoramic features a wall
paintiong from the Place de la République that became emblamatic.It reproduces
the Coat of Arms and Motto of the city
« Fluctuat nec mergitur », a Latin
phrase meaning "Tossed but not sunk".
"Paris sera
toujours Paris" panoramic features a
street-wall painting from the Place de la République that became emblematic.
To it I have added special a collection of Panoroïds
representing the Eiffel Tower dancing specially lighted for the commemoration
during two weeks.
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